Joanne Tailele
Joanne Simon Tailele, a mid-west girl from Youngstown, Ohio, wrote her first short story at the age of ten in blue colored pencil. For most of her life, writing was private, for her own enjoyment and therapy as piles of short stories and poems accumulated in a fireproof metal box.
Joanne practiced real estate in Ohio, Virginia and Florida. She was awarded the “Rookie of the Year Award” her first year in the business and continued a successful 25 year career until her retirement at the end of 2014.
Joanne originated and wrote the book review column, “Book Remarks” for the Coastal Breeze Newspaper for 13 months. She published her first novel, ACCIDENT, in 2012 and her second novel, TOWN WITHOUT MERCY, in 2013. She writes contemporary women’s fiction, which poses moral questions to her readers.
She is the past president and current secretary and webmaster of Marco Island Writers Inc. and ghostwrites for Jacobs Writing Consultants, LLC. When not writing, she enjoys life from her beachfront condo, golf, and traveling to four states to visit her nine grandchildren.