Eight books we recommend for writers. Click on the cover to learn more about each title.
Just Write - James Scott Bell
If you're a person who highlights sections of a book, this book could literally be dipped in highlighter fluid. It's full of examples and principles with a touch of humor.
On Writing - Stephen King
A book list on writing is not complete without Stephen King. On Writing became a must have for writers since its release. At the back of the book, King shares a great example of his writing and editing process.
How I Sold 80,000 Books - Alinka Rutkowska
This book is not so much about writing as it is about selling your book. The number one question with many writers is, "How do I sell my book?" Here's your answer. Tons of ideas and strategies for selling your book.
Write & Grow Rich - various authors
A comprehensive collection of how writers turned their writing into a business. Lots of valuable information and inspiration. It may be worth it to seek out some of the authors who contributed.
Outlining Your Novel - K. M. Weiland
This is not old-school outlining with numbers and letters. Weiland has developed a method of outlining which keeps you writing while working on your story, plot, and characters. It's full of great examples. Don't forget to sign up for her newsletter.
Law of Attraction - Esther and Jerry Hicks
This book is not about writing, selling, or publishing, so why is it on this list? It's a great resource to reset your mind and get you focused. Law of Attraction says, what you think and believe is what you attract. So, think and believe in your writing.
Story Engineering - Larry Brooks
This book breaks down the mechanics of writing and creating a story. Powerful examples with tons of useful information.
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Inspiration for Writers
- Jack Canfield
This series always dominates the sales charts. As the title suggests, the book is full of inspiring stories of how many writers found their niche, answered their calling, and got published.
On Our Future Reading List
Save the Cat! Writes a Novel
- Jessica Brody
Chicken Soup for the Soul: For the Writer's Soul
- Jack Canfield
“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” — Anaïs Nin