Editing and ghostwriting is not all about books and novels. It is also about business–your business. It’s important that you have the right wordage to convey what your company offers.
The content in your blog posts and on your website needs to be clean and to the point. Having an error, something as small as a missing comma, can cause a potential client to wonder if there are errors within your product or service.
Let the team at JWC make sure that the correct words are right, and the right words are correct.
BLOGS - Blogs are an important and integral part of your website and business. It’s a great tool for sharing information, letting customers know what you do, and why they need your product or service. Blogs are often shared throughout social media platforms, so you need to make sure that your message comes across clear and concise. We not only edit your blogs, but we can write them.
WEBSITES - In today’s world, 90% of potential customers learn about your business through your website. Let us ensure your text is correct and you’re conveying the message you wish to share with your prospective customers.
ARTICLES - Having your articles edited prior to sending them to an editor of a publication gives you an edge. Most publication editors are content editors and decide which submissions are accepted for upcoming issues. They seldom edit spelling and grammar.