A Leather-bound Journal Can Impact the World
A simple, small, one hundred page leather-bound journal can impact the world. We all have at
least one. Maybe it’s sitting on a bookshelf or tucked away in the little drawer in your nightstand waiting for you and inspiration to connect. Others have it stored away in their briefcase or carry-bag putting it to use during meetings and networking. And there are still others who use it to write poetry, collect thoughts, or doodle crazy pictures. The covers come in a variety of designs and solid colors while the pages in between are either blank, grid, or lined. It doesn’t matter how different or similar your journal is; the truth is, with a simple swipe of the pen it can impact the world.
Let’s break that down. Exactly how can a leather-bound journal impact the world?
On page one, you write down your idea. On page two, you create a brief plan of action based on your idea. On page three, you track or measure what your action did. If you haven’t taken action on your idea, ask yourself why. On page four, you brainstorm through what adjustments are necessary to have your action and idea come together. On page five, celebrate the success of your action and idea coming together. This can be treating yourself to ice cream or a family vacation to Disneyworld depending on your idea and the outcome.
Now that’s just the first five pages. Imagine what you can do with the remaining ninety-five pages!
To use a classic Mastercard commercial:
Leather-bound journal = $20 A pen = $2 An idea that impacts the world = Priceless!
How about a Capital One commercial: What’s in your journal?
It’s time to write down your idea, take action, track it, adjust it, and impact the world. If not now… when?